image1 | image2 | image3 |
image1 |
image2 |
image3 |
option | usage |
pointsize | font size in points |
draw | annotate the image with a graphic primitive |
gravity | horizontal and vertical text placement |
fill | color to use when filling a graphic primitive |
text x,y string | print string in a containing box having its upper left corner at x,y. (conflicts with gravity ???) |
font | specify the font name. List available fonts with convert -list type (version < 6.3.6), or convert -list font (later versions) |
convert originalImage -pointsize 30 -draw "gravity SouthEast fill white text 0,12 'tagText' " annotatedImage
To tag (and overwrite) all images of a directory :
maxWidth=800; maxHeight=$maxWidth; watermarkFile="path/to/watermark.png"; for img in $(ls | egrep "jpg,JPG"); do echo $img; mogrify -resize ${maxWidth}x${maxHeight} $img; composite -dissolve 80% -gravity SouthEast -quality 100 $watermarkFile $img $img; done
To re-orient images, add in the process : convert -auto-orient originalImage reorientedImage