tmux - tmux is a Terminal MUltipleXer


How to change the default prefix key (Ctrl-b) ?

Add to the configuration file :
# replace the default prefix key [Ctrl-b] with [Ctrl-a]
set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
bind C-a send-prefix

tmux hotkeys

  • all hotkeys are : [prefix]-[key]
  • the default prefix is : Ctrl-b
key usage
ddetach from current session
slist sessions
$rename current session, you're probably looking for a means to rename the current window
0 to 9select window 0 to 9
ccreate new window
ngo to the next window
pgo to the previous window
wlist windows
"split vertically 𑨚
%split horizontally 𑨑
&kill current window
,rename current window
?list hotkeys

tmux glossary

  • a rectangle displaying a terminal and anything running in it : shell, text editor, utility,
  • i.e. a subpart of a window (or the window itself if it's not split)
  • according to the documentation, a session is what groups windows
  • i.e. what you get after typing tmux
  • a group of panes spanning / tiled on the screen
  • since tmux itself is launched within a shell, which is executed within a terminal (such as xfce4-terminal), what I called the screen above is actually the terminal window
  • if you have 1 pane only, that pane = the window
  • the window can be split
    i.e. there are ... panes and the splitting line is
    vertically top and bottom horizontal
    horizontally left and right vertical



tmux is a terminal multiplexer, just like GNU Screen.
Not a troll, but :

usage (details)

attach			attach to a session
	-t sessionName	attach to session 'sessionName'

new			create a new session
	-s sessionName	create a named session
	-n windowName	create a new window named 'windowName'
anonymous session named session comments
start session tmux new [other options] tmux new -s sessionName [other options] new is an alias for new-session
attach to session tmux a tmux a -t sessionName a is an alias for attach / attach-session

configuration file : ~/.tmux.conf