rsync - Description, flags and examples


Rsync : notes about backups

This article summarizes some obvious stuff which is easy to forget (and cause lost time in debugging). So here are some basic + checked concepts I can trust next time I won't understand what's doing on !

When using Rsync's --backup, --backup-dir and --suffix options :

backup files :

  • are on the destination end of the transfer
  • represent what was there before running rsync
  • by default have no suffix when backups are in a distinct directory

when —after rsync— the destination shows :

it means :
  • file1 changed either on the source or on the destination, hence the backup. You can't determine where the change occurred.
  • file2 was missing on the source, then deleted on the destination, and only the backup remains
  • as for file3 we can't know whether :
    • it was already there, unchanged (both on source and destination), then untouched by rsync
    • or it's been created on the source side and just transferred by rsync

Regarding the suffix value :

A fixed string :

This is what may happen if :
  • you hardcode --suffix=myStringThatNeverChanges
  • or if that string is the date (e.g. 2020-06-04) and you run several rsync on the same day (i.e. with the same suffix)
Round description on the source on the destination Comment
filename contents filename contents
setup myFile
Hello world
(doesn't exist yet)
rsync (no change) myFile
Hello world
edit myFile
Hello world
edit 1
(no change)
rsync --backup --suffix=_BACKUP (no change) myFile
Hello world
edit 1
Hello world
backup created
edit myFile
Hello world
edit 1
edit 2
(no change)
rsync --backup --suffix=_BACKUP (no change) myFile
Hello world
edit 1
edit 2
Hello world
edit 1
new backup has the same name as the existing backup : overwrite

Any string changing at every rsync round :

Round description on the source on the destination Comment
filename contents filename contents
setup myFile
Hello world
(doesn't exist yet)
rsync (no change) myFile
Hello world
edit myFile
Hello world
edit 1
(no change)
rsync --backup --suffix=_BACKUP1 (no change) myFile
Hello world
edit 1
Hello world
backup 1 created
edit myFile
Hello world
edit 1
edit 2
(no change)
rsync --backup --suffix=_BACKUP2 (no change) myFile
Hello world
edit 1
edit 2
Hello world
edit 1
backup 2 created
Hello world
no myFile_BACKUP1 on the destination, so file deleted. Remember ?

Summary :

Format of the suffix value Number of versions kept back
fixed string 1
any string changing at every rsync round 1 for every round

Rsync can delete millions of files quicker than rm and find

  1. mkdir /tmp/empty
  2. rsync -a --delete /tmp/empty/ directory/to/delete/
    Use either 2 trailing slashes or none on directories names. Otherwise, this has a totally different meaning for rsync.
  3. rmdir /tmp/empty



rsync is a great tool to synchronize directory trees on a local machine or between a local machine (sender) and a remote one (receiver). It allows :
By default, rsync transfers files having either a different size or time of last modification between sender and receiver. This is known as rsync's quick check (details : man -P 'less -p "quick check"' rsync).
rsync can be instructed to use other criteria to match / skip files :
  • skip files with matching checksum : -c
  • skip nothing : -I
  • skip files with matching size : --size-only

When gathering files in a temporary directory prior to rsync'ing them to receiver (i.e. developing a delivery script), keep in mind that their modification time is the instant they where cp'ed into that temporary directory, even though their content has not changed. Thus, by default, rsync will always consider them as different from those of receiver.
Solution : use the -c or -t flags or cp -p.

Exit Status

Code Meaning
0 Success
1 Syntax or usage error
3 Errors selecting input/output files, dirs
and many more, see : man -P 'less -p "^EXIT VALUES"' rsync


Many options can be disabled with the --no- prefix :
  • --no-perms negates --perms
  • --no-times negates --times
  • Both options above are necessary when the user running rsync was granted rights via ACL and does not own the target files.
Details : man -P 'less -p "--no-OPTION$"' rsync
Flag Usage
-A --acls
  • update destination ACL to be the same as source ACL
  • implies --perms
-a --archive archive mode, equivalent to rlptgoD, i.e. :
recursive + preserves (symlinks + permissions + time + group + owner + Devices)
  1. make a backup of the destination file if :
    • it changes (changed either on the source or destination)
    • it is deleted (deleted from source + --delete flag)
  2. apply the corresponding suffix
To be used with --backup-dir and --suffix. See also some extra notes.
--backup-dir=dir make backups in hierarchy based on dir (default : current directory)
--bwlimit=n limit I/O bandwidth to n KBytes per second
-c --checksum skip based on checksum, not modification time or size (i.e. if checksums match on both ends, skip file)
-D short for --devices --specials
  • put all updated files into place at end
  • in more details: this option puts the temporary file from each updated file into a holding directory until the end of the transfer, at which time all the files are renamed into place in rapid succession. This attempts to make the updating of the files a little more atomic.
--delete delete files that don't exist on sender
This conflicts with options altering the list of files to synchronize, such as --include-from, --exclude, ...
--delete-after receiver deletes after transfer, not during
--devices transfer character and block device files to receiver to recreate these devices. Requires root privileges
--exclude=pattern exclude files matching pattern from the list of files to be transferred. Use as many --exclude options as the number of patterns to exclude.
--exclude-from=file exclude files matching patterns listed in file
--files-from=file read list of source file names from file
  • file must contain an explicit list of all files to transfer: no wildcards allowed. For pattern matching on file names, consider include-from
  • files listed in file must have a path relative to sourceDir (details : man -P 'less -p "--files-from=FILE$"' rsync) :
    rsync [options] /path/to/sourceDir destinationDir --files-from=file
  • Using --files-from does not make /path/to/sourceDir optional !
-g --group preserve group
-H --hard-links preserve hard links
-I --ignore-times synchronize everything, skip nothing
This option name is a little puzzling since it suggests that only the file size will be used to skip files, which is not true : files having the same size will be sent anyway. If you actually want to only consider the file size to skip files, consider --size-only.
-i --itemize-changes list the changed files and the cause of each change, coded as an 11-character string. Characters :
  • 1 : update type :
    • < file sent
    • > file received
    • . not updated
    • ...
  • 2 : file type :
    • f regular file
    • d directory
    • L symlink
    • ...
  • 3-11 : indicators matching the cstpoguax string
    • . the corresponding attribute is unchanged
    • p permissions are different and are being updated to the sender's value (requires --perms)
    • ...
details : man -P 'less -p "-i, --itemize-changes$"' rsync
--ignore-existing ignore files that already exist on receiver
--include-from=file include files matching patterns listed in file
-L --copy-links dereference symlinks (i.e. transform symlink into referent file or directory)
-l --links copy symlinks as symlinks
--modify-window=n -@n When comparing two timestamps, rsync treats the timestamps as being equal if they differ by no more than the modify-window value :
  • 0 : (default value) matches integer seconds
  • 1 : useful for copies to/from MS Windows FAT filesystems, because FAT represents times with a 2-second resolution (allowing times to differ from the original by up to 1 second)
-n --dry-run
  • show what would have been transferred
  • often used with --verbose and --itemize-changes
  • since no data is transferred in this mode :
    • --progress has no effect
    • statistics about sent/received bytes and speedup are wrong
-O --omit-dir-times omit directories from --times
-o --owner preserve owner (root only)
-p --perms preserve permissions (but not ACL, see --acls)
--progress show progress during transfer (for each file)
-q --quiet suppress non-error messages
-R --relative use Relative path names
-r --recursive recurse into directories
--remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)
--size-only transfer files that have changed in size. This is useful to distinguish files with differences when we can not rely on timestamps (because of mirroring tools / destination filesystem).
--specials transfer special files such as named sockets and fifos
--suffix=suffix append suffix to backup files name. Defaults :
  • (empty string) when --backup-dir is specified (hence which files are backups is explicit)
  • ~ otherwise
-t --times preserve times, i.e. transfer modification times along with the files and update them on receiver
If this option is not used (no -t nor -a), the optimization that excludes files that have not been modified cannot be effective, causing all files to be updated again on the next rsync execution.
-u --update update only : don't overwrite newer files
-v --verbose verbose mode
-W --whole-file copy files whole : disables the incremental algorithm
-z --compress compress data
Don't use this on already compressed data (compressed archives, JPEG / MP3 / video / files : that would uselessly eat your CPU and lengthen the whole process.
--compress-level=level set the compression level to use
  • implies --compress when level > 0
  • 0 ≤ level ≤ 9
  • defaults to 6
--skip-compress=list Override the list of file suffixes that will not be compressed
  • list should be one or more file suffixes (without the dot) separated by slashes /
  • entries can contain pattern-matching characters : --skip-compress=gz/jpg/mp[34]/7z/bz2
  • default list of suffixes that will not be compressed (may evolve between Rsync versions) :
    7z ace avi bz2 deb gpg gz iso jpeg jpg lz lzma lzo mov mp3 mp4 ogg png rar rpm rzip tbz tgz tlz txz xz z zip


Basic usage, subtlety about the trailing slash / :

rsync -avz /source/directory /destination/directory
Recursively transfer all files from /source/directory into /destination/directory in archive mode + use compression to reduce the size of data portions of the transfer.
rsync -avz /source/directory/ /destination/directory
A trailing slash / on the source avoids creating an additional directory level at the destination. This means copy the contents of this directory as opposed to copy the directory itself. In both cases the attributes of the containing directory are transferred to the containing directory on the destination.
These commands are equivalent :
rsync -av /src/foo	/dest
rsync -av /src/foo/	/dest/foo

When the source or destination is FAT 32

rsync -rvz --size-only --modify-window=1 /source/directory /destination/directory
As of 2023, the only FAT 32 devices I deal with are SD cards used in Android phones. The kind of data I have to sync to/from such devices is mostly JPEG / MP3 files —i.e. already compressed data— making the -z option useless.

Remote to local over SSH

rsync -avz -e ssh [source] [destination]
To skip password input :
  1. setup SSH accounts + SSH keys on local + remote hosts
  2. build a custom SSH configuration file
  3. instruct rsync over SSH to use this configuration file (mind the quotes) :
    rsync -avz -e "ssh -F /home/bob/.ssh/config -i /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa" bob@receiver:/path/to/file /destination/directory

Copy a whole file tree to an empty destination (source)

Turn off the metadata checks and the rsync block checksum algorithm entirely and transfer all of the bits at the source to the dest without any CPU penalty :
Note that -a does not preserve hardlinks, because finding multiply-linked files is expensive. You must separately specify -H.